Discipline Policy

Discipline is the training that develops self-control, character or orderliness and efficiency. It is an essential factor for the enhancement of moral and cultural values.  An environment devoid of discipline seriously hampers the process of education. To provide education without disciplining the minds of youngsters tantamount to teaching them how effectively they could undermine the rule of authority in future. Discipline is not recommended to be coercive. Making the students behave in a certain manner under duress is a short lived phenomenon. Developing capability of judgment to know the difference between right and wrong and then willingly choosing the right is the most desirable personality trait. To achieve this, teachers are required to play a pivotal role. It may be kept in mind that it is only by example and not by precept that the young minds can be influenced the most. Whereas it is expected that students will be self-disciplined, there is a need to get ready for the exceptions. The administration of Commecs College reserves the right to suspend, expel, impel, impose fine or terminate a student who is found guilty of:

  1. Cheating, immoral conduct or gross misconduct and misbehavior, quarrelling with fellow students or using abusive language and wall chalking etc.
  2. Willfully and deliberately damaging the College property.
  3. Creating hooliganism in class/college premises
  4. Rudeness to the members of teaching staff/college employees.
  5. Smoking and playing truant.
  6. Violating instructions given time to time.
  7. Being habitually irregular, unpunctual, untidy and improperly dressed.
  8. Showing consistently poor academic performance coupled with an indifferent / negative attitude towards studies.
  9. Using Mobile Phone in the premises of the College.

Aggressive behavior of parents with faculty members / Coordinators in any of the meeting will have zero tolerance and can result in issuance of TC to their wards.